Club Daybreak

To register, please find the My Club Hub Portal link at the bottom of the page.

Program Dates

Fall Break 

  • Registration Open
  • 2 weeks October 14th – October 25th
  • Fall Break Informational Flyer 

Winter Break

  • January 2nd, 3rd and 6th


  • January 20th

President’s Day

  • February 17th

Spring Break

  • 2 weeks March 31st – April 11th
  • Spring Break Informational Flyer (coming soon)

Summer Break

  • 8 weeks June 2nd – July 25th (Closed July 4th
  • Summer Break Informational Flyer (coming soon)

Enrollment and Hours

Club Daybreak hours: 7:30am-4:00pm and Aftercare 4:00pm to 6:00pm

MUST have membership.  Membership fee $60.  Membership expires August 2024

TWO OPTIONS for Enrollment

  • Weekly Club Daybreak Rate - $100/week for 7:30am-4:00pm
  • Daily Club Daybreak Rate - $20/day for 7:30am-4:00pm

Aftercare Rate - $25/week or $5/day 4pm-6:00pm

*Fees must be pre-paid prior to attending*

*No refunds or credits or transfers*

*Please note Camp Crosser and Club Daybreak fees are not interchangeable*


Pickup and Drop Off of Child
All members must enter and be picked up at door #1.  Members must be accompanied/signed in and checked out by an adult. 

Late Fee
If a child is not picked up by 6:00pm, a $5.00 fee for the first 5 minutes and $5.00 for every 10 minutes after that (per child), will be charged and must be paid before the child is allowed to return to the club.

Lunch & Snack
Please pack a lunch daily for your child.  No microwaves or refrigerators available.
A free snack is offered every morning and afternoon.  Members may also bring a snack/s from home.
Snack and soda machine will be open during snack and lunch time.  No refunds are given on the vending machines. 

Field Trips
Parental permission is required for a child to participate in all field trip. Field trip forms will be available for registration and payment (if applicable) at the Club’s front window on the Friday prior to the week of the field trips. We will alternate the time when field trip forms are set out. Payment must be made prior to your child being added to the field trip roster. When the roster is full, a waitlist will be started.

Medical Emergency/Illness
If your child become ill at the Boys & Girls Club of special club program, he or she will be isolated from the other children.  Parents will be notified, and asked to pick their child up as soon as possible.  In the event of a medical emergency or accident, the Boys & Girls Club staff will make every effort to contact the parent/guardian.  If parent/guardian cannot be reached, staff will take whatever emergency medical measure necessary for the protection of the child. 

The Boys & Girls Club does not have a nurse on staff for dispensing medications.  Though all full-time staff are CPR/First Aid certified, we are not allowed to dispense medications of any kind to members.  If your child is taking a prescribed medication, it is the duty of the parent and child to ensure the staff is aware of medication to be taken by the member.  We will assist in helping remind the member to take his/her medication.  Only a daily dose in the prescribed bottle should be sent to the Club. 

Personal Property
The Club is not responsible for lost, broken or stolen personal items.  Members are asked not to bring toys or items of monetary value to the Club.

Age Group Rotations
Between 11:00am - 2:00pm members will be divided in age groups and participate in different activities in all the Club areas.

Method of Discipline
When negative behavior occurs, the staff will make every effort to direct the child’s behavior to the positive direction.  If a child’s behavior remains in a disruptive manner, a parent will be called or a discipline form will be written.  The child may be removed from the program depending on the severity of the misbehavior. 



Special Thanks to all of the Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville Sponsors