Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville Camp Crosser
Camp Crosser is a fun and adventurous summer program full of high energy, fun and educational experiences for members ages 6-12. Youth will participate in a variety of activities including archery, arts & crafts, river stomping, zip lining, environmental education, campfire cooking, nature hikes, and so much more!
2025 Camp Crosser Sessions
Camp Crosser Schedule
- Camp Crosser - 7:30am - 4:00pm - $125 per Week / Must be a member (Includes a Daily Snack)
- After Care (optional) 4:00pm - 6:00pm - $25 per week / $5 per day
Important Information
- Ages 6-12
- Camp Hours will be 7:30am to 4pm, Monday – Friday. Drop-off may begin at 7:30am. Bus departs Club at 8am.
- Please arrive no later than 7:55am so that you do not miss the bus.
- After Care is available: M-F 4pm to 6pm Weekly Rate of $25 per child or $5 daily per child
- We will not be offering overnights and Zip Line activity is scheduled, but tentative to change.
- Parents will not be allowed to drop-off or pick-up campers at Camp Crosser.
- Campers must bring their own lunch. Food cannot be refrigerated or warmed up in the microwave.
- A daily snack will be provided. Please alert Camp staff to any allergies.
- All camp activities are outdoors, rain or shine, and the children will get dirty. Please send them in old clothes and tennis shoes.
- Please do not send your child with valuables such as cell phones, gaming devices, etc. BGCN is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Staff will encourage and help children use sunscreen and bug spray. Contact staff if you do not want your child using bug spray or sunscreen.
- Inclement Weather-Safety of our members is always our number one priority. If the weather is unsafe for the campers to be outside, we will find an alternate location for them to hold camp. Most often, that will be in the Boys & Girls Club Community Center. Field trips to indoor locations may also be utilized as an alternate site. If a storm pops up while the campers are at Camp Crosser, they will utilize the basement of the Camp House as the safety shelter. This will not allow for social distancing but masks will be worn during this time.
- Medication Policy-Camp Crosser does not have a nurse on staff. Though all full-time staff are CPR/First Aid certified, we are not allowed to dispense medications of any kind to members. If your child is taking a prescribed medication, it is the duty of the parent and child to ensure the staff is aware of medication to be taken by the member. We will assist only in helping to remind the member to take his/her medication. All medication must be given to Camp Staff at the beginning of each day for safe storage. All medication will be returned at the end of the day.
- Please make note of our hours, there will be additional charges in accordance with our late fee policy, if a child is not picked up by posted time. Members may not be dropped off at the facility prior to open and must always be accompanied/checked in by an adult!
- Please send the following with your campers each day in a backpack with their name on it:
Sack lunch
Water bottle
Warm Clothes (Jacket, Coat, Hat, etc.) if needed
Bug Spray
Change of clothes and shoes
Informational Flyer
Drop-Off & Pick-up Procedures:
DROP-OFF will be between 7:30am-7:55am and will be at door #1.
PICK-UP for REGULAR CAMP hours will be at 4pm on the northside of the building (Greenspace by Ivy Tech/
Community Center parking lot). See map for more details.
PICK-UP for AFTER CARE (after 4pm to 6pm) will be at door #1 and all children must be picked up by 6:00pm.
Children must be pre-registered and paid to use this service.
You will receive an email with additional information the week prior to your child attending camp (usually Thursday or Friday). Please be sure to double check that your email is correct on the registration forms.
Frequently Asked Questions